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Kennedy looking healthy

August 26, 2008

Sen. Edward Kennedy made an inspiring speech on the first night of the DNC. He looked good, sounded strong, and it made me sad. Kennedy had an operation on June 2nd to remove part of a malignant brain tumor, and was to continue with rounds of radiation and chemo to continue treatment.

My father died of cancer in 1997. Before that, he had radiation and chemo to treat, and it made him weak, pale, skinny, and bald. Sen. Kennedy does not look like a man who is undergoing cancer treatment. He looks like a man who has traded a year or so of life being sick for a few months of life with his health intact.

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  1. August 27, 2008 4:44 pm

    If Kennedy was a GOPer, the DE Liberal microcephalics would be in here exclaiming that he needs to die NOW.

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